Livewire by Starlight

In Hospital and online support network for adolescents with serious or chronic illnesses and disabilities

The Challenge

To explore Starlight’s adolescent program ‘Livewire’, an in-hospital and online community designed just for young people living with a serious illness, chronic health condition or disability, and their families. We set out to uncover opportunities to re-imagine the platform and explore future possibilities

The challenge

Initial activities involved exploration and empathising within the Livewire world from a perspective of key users. These are members (aged 10 – 21), chat hosts and facilitators as well as immersion with the organisation through key stakeholders.


Utilising desirability testing results, feasibility input from tech consultants, and business alignments and priorities, MVP recommendations were made. A breakdown of core ‘must have’ features were created and roadmap recommendations were handed over to the Starlight team for them to take into the build phase.

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